
WIR 238

TV Talker Infrared

Product Highlights

  • Stereo or mono operation, 2.3/2.8 MHz
  • Lightweight, under-the-chin-style receiver
  • Receiver recharges itself when placed back on top of transmitter
  • Connects directly to your TV or DVD player
  • 5-year warranty – 90 days on accessories



Ideal for TV listening, meetings, or any small-group listening application. Listen at the volume of your comfort without disturbing others. The system connects directly to your TV or DVD player equipped with standard output jacks. It features high-quality, low distortion sound, and angled ear couplings for maximum comfort and performance. On/Off switch is built into the "arms" of the receiver, so it can never be left on to drain the batteries.

System Includes

(1) WIR TX238 transmitter

(1) WIR RX238 receiver

(2) BAT AP07D rechargeable batteries

(1) Power supply

(1) MIC 084 TV microphone

(1) WCA 078 1m audio cable

tvtalker tv-talker tv


  • Stereo or mono operation, 2.3/2.8 MHz
  • Lightweight, under-the-chin-style receiver
  • Receiver recharges itself when placed back on top of transmitter
  • Connects directly to your TV or DVD player
  • 5-year warranty – 90 days on accessories


WIR RX 238


2.1 oz (60 g) with battery

Material and Color:

ABS plastic, Black and Grey

Battery Type, Life:

BAT AP07D NiMH Battery Pack, 6 hours

Modulation Frequency:

2.3 and 2.8 MHz

Frequency Response:

200 Hz to 8 kHz, ± 5 dB

Signal-to-Noise Ratio:

60 dB at 10 m


Volume control thumbwheel; screwdriver adjust balance and (L & R) tone controls

Acoustic Output:

112 dB MAX SSPL90 with 2 cc coupler


Compatible with transmitters operating on 2.3 MHz/2.8 MHz

Power Switch:

Built into receiver “arms"

Ear Pads:

Uses EAR 031 foam cushions




5 years, parts and labor*

WIR TX 238

Size, Weight, Color: 6.25" L x 3.25" W x 1.25" H (15.9 cm x 8.3 cm x 3.2 cm), 5.1 oz (140 g), Gray
Power Input: 12 VDC (center is positive) on DC connector, 200 mA Class II wall transformer
  TFP 024 Power Supply: North America: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, UL/CSA
  TFP 032 Power Supply, 2 pin Euro mains plug, 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, CE
  TFP 033 Power Supply, 3 pin UK mains plug, 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, CE
Subcarrier Frequency: 2.3 MHz, 2.8 MHz, or stereo
Range: 30ft (9m) line-of-site
Auto Power On/Off: Transmitter shuts off infrared after 5 minutes when audio signal is removed. Battery charging functions remain on full time.
Microphone Input: 3.5 mm jack for MIC 084 Electret TV Microphone, 1.5 kΩ
Line Inputs: 2 RCA jacks for mono or stereo line-level sources. 200 mV min. to 10 V rms max. input level, 5.1 kΩ
Automatic Level Control: 35 dB compression range
Infrared LEDs, Pattern: 6 IR LEDs, 45 degree cone-shaped coverage pattern to 6 dB intensity, 30 ft (9 m) line of sight
Charging Ports: Charges one WIR RX238 Receiver plus two additional BAT AP97A NiMH battery packs**
Approvals: RoHS, WEEE
Warranty: 2 years, 90 days on accessories

Accessories for WIR 238 Infrared Stethoset Receiver

All Williams Sound headphones and earphones are compatible with this product.


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Download/View Name Type Language
ALD Brochure - TV Talker Brochures English
Infrared Brochure - Low Res Brochures English
WIR 238 TV Talker Manual Manuals English
WIR 238 TV Talker Specifications Specifications English
Infrared Brochure - High Res Brochures English


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